
How to be happy even when you don’t have a reason

Published by Nisha Kohli on

In a day, how many times do you smile or just be happy without having a reason? What… You don’t?

Do you need a reason to be happy?

Well, I don’t think so. You should be happy without a reason.

You don’t need a specific reason to be happy. Rather, there is not even a reason not to be happy. You don’t need something good happening in your life and obviously, you can’t wait till next Christmas to smile and be happy. Your happiness doesn’t need to be defined. Your happiness is your responsibility and not anyone else’s. Not your partner’s or your friends’; but yours, regardless of any situation. 

You have the right to smile and laugh over the silliest thing possible. Listen… it’s your life and you want it to be lived with joy and happiness. Don’t you?

I know there might be a lot of things happening in your life right now. You might have recently lost someone important in your life or you might be suffering from a financial crisis or you might be suffering from a disease or even worse. 

Good or bad. I want you not to stress about it and relax for a moment. Give yourself a break. Because stress is not going to fix anything, instead it makes you feel more depressed. And it’s scientifically proven that stress makes you fall for diseases. And that is not what you want. Right?

So take a deep breath and relax. Inhale and Exhale and Relax. 

Now think closely and ask yourself, what do you want from your life? I assume the answer to this question for most people is Peace and Happiness. You want to be happy and peaceful in every situation of your life. Am I right? 

How to be happy even when you don't have a reason

Alright… maybe not for some people. Some of you might say, I want X amount of dollars. But, your ultimate goal is to be happy after having that X amount of money. Isn’t it?

It’s true. Every single human craves happiness and peace in their life. But the real question is; When you know it, then why aren’t you doing something to get it? What’s stopping you? 

Have you ever searched for the reason why? I know you haven’t. Most people don’t even realize it.

When you are happy from the bottom of your heart, you are the most beautiful being on this beautiful planet. Believe it or not but when you smile, your soul gets all charged up by the positive energy and it attracts the same from the universe. Because you are connected with this mystic universe every moment of your life. What you put in, you are gonna receive it back. That’s what the Law of Attraction says.

Here are 7 actions you should take to be happy, even when you don’t have a reason. The things that you can implement on yourself, without changing and expecting anything from others. Because we believe that a huge change can only be made when you can make a little change within yourself. And remember, YOU HAVE THE POWER to do that.

1. Love yourself

Love yourself

It has been a fact for a very long time that being in love is the most beautiful thing a living being can experience. When you are in love, everything seems beautiful and you just can’t stop smiling. Aren’t you?

The same fact applies when it comes to loving yourself. When you fall in love with yourself, you don’t need anyone by your side and you are enough for yourself. You’re gonna build up that level of confidence to eat alone in a restaurant without hesitating or feeling embraced. You will feel fulfilled being with yourself.

2. Smile without a reason

Smile without having a reason

I often do this and it’s my favorite thing to do when it comes to loving myself. You might not believe it, but when I look at myself in a mirror or a glass door while crossing the street, I SMILE. Some people stare at me and give me that weird look. They might be thinking that I’m crazy. But, who cares. 

Some people don’t believe it but a small and little smile has the power to make a huge impact at that very moment. If you have a bad thing happening in your life, I would suggest you forget everything for a moment. Look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a nice broad smile. Give it a try; believe me; it works. 

(Disclaimer: It would work for you only when you are truly in love with yourself.)

3. Pamper yourself

Pamper yourself by going to a vacation or doing what you love

Pamper yourself regularly. Do what you love, without worrying about others. You hustle every day on your 9-5 job and some people even have multiple jobs in a single day. And you should not forget to take care of yourself. Nothing should be more important for you than yourself. You should always be in the first place on your priority list. So take good care of yourself. 

Go on that damn vacation which has been pending for years. Yeah… the one that you are planning with your friends/family for a very long time. Or maybe go to a spa and relax for a couple of hours. Or a lunch date with yourself. It can be anything that you love and enjoy doing. Take some time out and pamper yourself.

4. Talk to yourself

Talk out loud to yourself

Do you talk to yourself? Not in your head but talking out loud. 

Talking to yourself helps you in several ways. It clarifies what’s going inside your head which is gonna help you make better decisions. 

You meet several people in a day. You talk to them, share thoughts and your mind soaks them all. Now what talking to yourself does, is that it filters everything and gives you the best out of all that crap.

Another benefit of talking to yourself is that it gives you a feeling of fulfillment. You feel like you are being listened to without being judged which everyone loves. There is an interesting quote-

Talk to yourself at least once a day. Otherwise, you may miss a meeting with an EXCELLENT person in this World.

Swami Vivekanand

So keep talking to yourself. 

5. Enjoy your own company

Enjoy your own company

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.”

Wayne W. Dyer

When you start to love yourself, no one is going to be more important to you than yourself. You’re gonna find yourself a completely different personality than you were. The personality you adore, the personality you love spending time with. 

Being with yourself contributes to the growth of your self-esteem and self-worth. Have a cup of coffee with no one but yourself, it helps to refresh your mind and thoughts.

6. Don’t worry about others

Don't worry about what others will say/think about you.

You don’t need to worry about what others will say or think about you. They are gonna say what they have to say whether you do good or bad. They are even gonna say when you do nothing. So put your hands on your ears and continue doing what you wanna do. 

Do what you love and mean to you. If it means to you and makes you happy, then it has nothing to do with the others. It’s your life and it has to be the way you want it to be. When you stop listening to others and start listening to yourself, it’s gonna make a huge impact on what your life can be. You become limitless. 

7. Live for yourself

Live for yourself and not others

If you are a person who tries to make every person in your life HAPPY, then I have these 4 words for you – “STOP IT RIGHT NOWWW!!!” 

You can’t please everyone in your life, it’s a fact. So you better stop doing that. Stop pleasing everyone and just focus on yourself. Do what you love without worrying about others.

Life is short. So don’t complicate it and live to the fullest. Be happy without having a reason. Give a nice smile to yourself and others too. Spread love. 

What actions do you take to be happy, when you don’t have a reason? 

Tell me in the comments below. 

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Nisha Kohli

Hey, I'm Nisha Kohli. A philanthropist, an optimist, and a believer who believes that every big change starts with the small and little change that we do within ourselves