
5 Secrets to achieving goals 

Published by Nisha Kohli on

Achieving goals…Sounds like a hell of a big deal. Isn’t it? 

Many people get scared just by the thought of it, which eventually makes them give up so easily on the goals they have. They get so overwhelmed and intimidated by this whole thing and they go like, Ohh… It’s not my thing. I can’t do it.

But tell me one thing, do you want to be one of them? I know you don’t want it and so do I. I don’t want you to be one of those who give up so easily because it sounds scary. 

Yeah… it does sound scary. You can also say it’s hard and sometimes very very hard but it’s not IMPOSSIBLE. You can achieve anything you think of; you just have to believe it. It’s like the first rule when it comes to achieving your goals. Because if you can’t believe it, you can’t achieve it. 

After all, if YOU don’t believe in your goals and dreams, how could you even think that someone else will? No one will give a damn to it. 

Here in this blog post, I will give you 5 secrets that will help you achieve your goals. Know that these secrets are not actually secrets but the mental shift that you have to do within yourself and obviously putting on effort. 

These 5 mental shifts might sound easy to you at first but it’s not. I’m not trying to scare you by saying this but think of it yourself if this would be so easy, then everyone would have been successful by now and they would have accomplished all their goals. So first, prepare yourself for this mental shift, and let’s begin with 

1. Mindset

There are two types of mindsets. The first one is Fixed Mindset and the other is Growth Mindset. And the main difference between them is, the belief that YOU CAN. 

This image is about changing your mindset

People with a fixed mindset always get excuses about how NOT to do something, and on the contrary, people with a growth mindset find ways how to do the same thing. 

Now ask yourself, which one of them is you? What type of mindset do you have?

To save you some time, let me tell you this, it doesn’t matter what mindset you carried till now, you can always change it. And to accomplish your goals and become successful, you have to develop a growth mindset

The growth mindset starts with this belief that everything you think about and everything you want to achieve in your life is actually possible. You can do or get anything in your life if you set your mind to it. It’s the starting point of everything you wish to achieve, before even starting it. 

It doesn’t matter how big or small your goals are, mindset is the first thing that you got to develop because, without that, you cannot even imagine starting anything.

Here are some books that you can read to develop a growth mindset.

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2. Grit

Everyone wants to accomplish their goals and want to live the life of their dreams, but why are only a few of us able to actually make it possible? 

How are these people different from the others? What do they do that others are not doing? What is it that actually makes them different from the crowd?

There can be so many answers to these questions. One of them is Grit. Grit is the sense of mind that a person develops in him/herself to not give up at any cost. It tells that it doesn’t matter what challenges you are facing in your journey toward success, you got to be courageous enough, become fearless and fight against them.

If you are a person who is losing sleep dreaming about the goals that you wanna accomplish in your life, then you gotta be gritty. You have to become a person with a strong mindset who says no to giving up. A person who is passionate about his/her work and is ready to take risks and become limitless.

3. Perseverance

this image has a quote explaining the relation between failure and success

Where failure lies, success flows.

The journey to success cannot be completed without failures. They are like twin sisters. You cannot expect to become successful without failing. Every successful person about whom we read in books and listen to their inspiring stories today, failed once, twice and so many times. 

We all know J.K. Rowling; she got rejected 12 times before she got Harry Potter published. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, they are the world’s most successful and wealthiest people. They didn’t get success in one go. They tried and they failed; some even faced huge losses too. Their stories are surely different but one thing is common between them and all the other successful people on the planet. That’s Perseverance. 

When you Google the term perseverance, you will get this: to keep putting effort without regard to discouragement. If you really want to accomplish your goals then you have to keep pushing yourself, even after failing multiple times. Learn from the mistakes that you made in the past and keep going. Always keep an eye on your goals and envision them becoming true one day. 

You can read stories of people who went from failures to successes here.

4. Resilience

this image says learn from failure

As you now know that failures are part of your journey towards success, you have to learn to deal with them. You cannot sit and cry for the mistakes that you have made or for the things that didn’t work out the way you wanted. 

Problems and difficulties are part of your life, they are gonna come whether you like it or not. Now it’s up to you, how you take them. Do you let them affect you or will you stand strong and fight against them? The choice is yours. 

Life always gives you two choices at every given point. Leave it or Live it. Many people just do the first one, they leave it, and then they complain about how things are unfair to them. But the people who choose to live it are the ones who are incredible. They are the ones who create wonders, they are the ones who are different from the rest of the crowd.

You have to learn to make yourself comfortable with the loss and the mistakes of the past. You have to make yourself comfortable dealing with these uncomfortable situations. So, don’t lose hope. Fight against the odds and be resilient.

5. Discipline

this image says discipline

Discipline is one of the most important things when it comes to achieving your goals. If you have big dreams and goals, you have to be disciplined enough to pursue them. 

Let’s take an example of a boy who aims to become a world-class swimmer. Now, being consistent or disciplined means that he has to make an effort every single day that will help him get one step ahead of his goal. Being disciplined or consistent applies in every part of your life, whether personal or professional. 

I know it is very difficult to develop the habit of making efforts continuously, especially when you are just starting out and you don’t see any results coming. But you have to fight against this battle going inside you. Commit to yourself that no matter what, you just have to take action. 

Many times we just focus on our goals and plan everything but fail to execute it. In such a case, instead of focusing on the theoretical end which includes all the planning and structuring, focus on developing the habit to take action. If you want to become a writer, then nothing will help you achieve that goal but to practice writing; and to practice writing, your clear goal should be to write every day. You have to be disciplined to write every day which eventually helps you become a master of writing.

Here’s a quote by Tony Robbins, he says, Repetition is the mother is the mastery. So, be disciplined and consistent enough to pursue what you dream of.


Let’s end this blog post with this quote, 

Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mindsets of successful people and you will create success for yourself.

– Grant Cardone

You just have to find the ways that HOW you are going to do it, what you want to do. And in today’s digital world with Google and YouTube, it’s not that difficult. Also, read a lot of books to learn from someone else’s experiences.

But the HOW part is secondary when it comes to achieving goals. First, develop a mindset that will lead you to take action. Because without taking action, there will be no difference between you and the one who doesn’t even know what we are talking about.

So, which of these mental shifts are you going to try first? Do let me know in the comments below.

Here’s what you should read next.

  1. How to develop a strong mindset to become successful
  2. 5 things to do to change yourself to achieve your goals
  3. How to become an Entrepreneur in 2022
  4. 5 qualities every entrepreneur must have

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Nisha Kohli

Hey, I'm Nisha Kohli. A philanthropist, an optimist, and a believer who believes that every big change starts with the small and little change that we do within ourselves