
How to learn anything you want

Published by Nisha Kohli on

If you are trying to learn something, then this post will be helpful in giving you a direction that will help you in a positive way.

Happy Reading!!!

Learning is part of human life. One should never stop learning.

If you want to get success in any field of your life, you should keep learning and developing new habits and skills. Without that, you can’t be there where you want to be in your life. Learning opens new opportunities for you in your career, and in your life as a whole. 

It takes time to develop new skills and habits. You have to be patient throughout your learning journey. You have to develop a thick skin if you really want a change. 

Here are some tips that are going to help you if you are looking for new opportunities and ready to learn.

1. Learn everyday

learn everyday

Consistency is the key element when it comes to becoming successful. Without being consistent nothing is gonna happen. If You are learning something new then makes sure to do it every single day. Let your mind and body get used to it and let it become a habit. 

If you want to learn a new language then practice it daily. Even if you had a very busy day try to learn at least one single word or phrase to keep it active in your subconscious mind. If you want to learn a skill, then practice it daily. Do not miss even a single day.

When you are consistent towards whatever your goal in your life is, then you are gonna see yourself growing. And it’s human psychology when you see results for good then you try to take it to a higher level of success. So it’s quite simple.

Plan your day in advance so that you can manage your time properly. If you want to learn something new that’s different from your daily regime, then try to manage your time for that. Make some small sacrifices if you can. You can always make time for the things you love and want to do. 

2. Steal that damn second

Time is a precious asset

Everyone has only 24 hours in a day. And it’s up to you how you use those 24 hours to be productive and eventually to become successful. I know you have a lot of things happening in your life. Many of you have multiple jobs and shifts to do. But you gotta find a way how you’re gonna manage your time to get what you want. 

If you want to be successful in the long run then you have to sacrifice small pleasure and treat you give to yourself. You can avoid watching Netflix and invest that time in reading a book. On your way to work, you can watch educational videos or courses instead of watching movies. Even when you are doing dishes or maybe driving you can listen to podcasts or book summaries. If someone wants to have a conversation with you, try to make it as brief and precise as it can be. So it doesn’t cost you much.

Time is the most valuable asset you have in the whole world. You can never regain it, what’s gone is gone. So try to steal every minute of your day and use it to make yourself productive. Don’t waste even a single minute.

3. Keep Measuring your progress

When you are learning something new, measuring your progress is a must-do thing. It will help you know where you are going. Are you doing it correctly and going in the right direction or do you need to make some changes?

Measuring your progress at regular intervals leads to increasing your potential growth towards your goal. You can identify your mistakes and can make changes on time(before it’s too late).

For example, if you are learning how to write (Professional Writing). Now you can measure your progress by making someone read what you have written so far. This way you are gonna know what the expectations of a reader are. You’re gonna know what areas you have to work on etc. Don’t be afraid of the critics as they help you to do better and get better at your work.

To get things done correctly you should measure your progress regularly. Do it after every 3-4 months or as it demands.

4. The 3 Ds

Determination, Dedication, and Discipline are the 3 Ds that you should have if you have set a goal to learn something.

These 3Ds are very important when it comes to learning something new because they are going to help you when time is rough and you won’t feel like doing it. Determination, dedication, and discipline help you to keep going, and keep the ball rolling. 

It’s a fact that when you are totally into doing something, the universe is going to make that very thing happen for you.

5. Think, Rethink

How you see yourself makes a huge impact on your personality and what you gonna be in your life ahead. There is a quote by Charles Cooley that is – “Today, I’m not what I think I am; I’m not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am.”

Today every person has made their identity according to what others think about them; what others want them to be like. They want to fit themselves in the box that someone else has designed for them. They live their life according to what someone else has decided for them. 

And it definitely should not be like that. it’s your life and you should be the one who gets to decide what path you choose. Stop seeing yourself from someone else’s perspective. 

It’s a law of nature that what you think for yourself; you’re gonna attract that for yourself. It’s that simple, so think as positive as you can and see what the universe brings to you. 

During the research, it has been found that when 2 persons who want to quit drinking alcohol are asked to have a drink. One of them answered “no thanks, I want to quit alcohol” And the other answered “no thanks, but I don’t drink. 

Both of them were right but the one who answered I don’t drink is more likely to quit drinking than the other one. So it’s all about your attitude towards yourself. What you think for yourself, how you see yourself. 

Believe and trust your own feelings and emotions.

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Nisha Kohli

Hey, I'm Nisha Kohli. A philanthropist, an optimist, and a believer who believes that every big change starts with the small and little change that we do within ourselves