How to lift yourself up when you are feeling low

Everyone knows how it feels when we are feeling low and down. The heaviness in the chest is unbearable. Isn’t it? There can be several reasons such as having a bad day at work, anxiety, confusion, stress, feeling overwhelmed, or even lack of inspiration.
Feeling low can be frustrating, especially when you know that there’s nothing actually wrong with you. Sometimes things are out of your control and what you can do is actually nothing.
When you’re feeling down, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning. You feel like you have no reason to live, and that life is worse than it’s ever been. Relationships and work can all seem like too much to bear, and you just want to hide away. But hiding away won’t make anything better. Instead, you should just get up and face the problem.
When you are feeling low, you just need someone to be there with you, listen to you, talk to you, and can lighten your mood. But sometimes there is just you. So, it’s your responsibility to take charge of yourself and lift yourself up, no matter what.
If it’s just about having a bad day at work, then you can lighten your mood by going for a walk, listening to good music, playing with your pets, or doing something you like. But if feeling low is something that happens to you regularly, then you should definitely do something about it.
Here are some tips that you can follow to lift and cheer yourself up.
1. Talk to yourself
Talking to yourself is the best exercise you should do when you feel low. By talking to yourself, what I mean is actually talking out loud to yourself, and not talking to yourself in your head.

Talk to yourself about your feelings, the things you want to do, the things you want, the things that are bothering you, etc. When you start talking to yourself, it will lighten up your soul and energy. It also gives you the feeling of being heard.
Self-talk has other benefits too like it boosts your problem-solving skills, it also improves your planning and reasoning skills.
2. Always be positive
When you are feeling low, the aura and energy around you also become negative. But instead of letting yourself be taken over by the negative emotions, try to be positive.
Though, it’s not very easy to stay happy and positive when you are feeling low. Focus on the positive things in your life, the achievements you have made, or think about the people you love.
It will help you lighten your mood and give you positive vibes.
3. Smile

The next way to tackle the lowness is smiling and laughing. When you are feeling low, just smile; a lot of laughs and smiles. It will help you forget all the odds you are going through and will lift you up. It will also change the vibes around you to positive. Smiling and laughing will tell your brain that there is nothing wrong and worry about.
Smiling for no reason is a great way to be happy, not only when you are feeling low but also in general. There is nothing odd to smile for no reason. If you think people will call you crazy, then let it be. Who cares, right?
So keep smiling and spread happiness all around you.

4. Change your physiology
Have you ever observed what’s your physiology when you are feeling low? If yes, then you must know how your back and shoulders slouch, you feel heaviness in your stomach, and your body is telling you to give up. On contrary, when you feel good, your body is high in energy and you feel joyful.
When you are feeling low, it’s hard to get and cheer up. But it’s worth giving it a try.
Stand up (if you are sitting) and move your body. Put some music on and shake your body up to the beats. By doing so, you feel a sudden change in your mood, energy, and soul. It will help you forget all your problems and give you the power to get going ahead.
Exercise is another good way to change the state of your body. Exercise for about 20-30 minutes daily will give you a daily boost to your body and make to feel energized all day long.
5. Write
Writing down what’s going on in your mind is a great way to put the burden down from your head to the paper.
When you think it, ink it.

Grab a pen/pencil and paper and start writing down. It doesn’t matter what you write, just write everything that’s in your mind. By writing your thoughts what you’ve actually done is, you have put everything that was in your mind on paper, and now it’s finished. It’s gone from your mind and now you can make decisions based on what you have written.
When you are done writing, you will find your mind is not bothering about the stuff anymore, which is quite cool.
Studies have shown that writing not only lightens your burden but you are more likely to find the solutions to the problem you are facing.
6. Meditate
Meditation is the best exercise you can do to get your energy and soul back to life. Practice meditating for about 15-20 minutes daily to see the best results. Meditating soothes your mind and soul.

It also helps you to find inner peace. When you feel low, meditation can help you get all the negativity out of your mind and makes you feel better.
When you meditate daily, your mind becomes used to it. And it will automatically filter your thoughts and doesn’t let negativity bother you ever again. Even if negative thoughts come to your mind, they won’t make you any low.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it
It really doesn’t matter how big the problem is, there is always a solution to that. You just need to keep calm and find it. Not every day is a good day, but you should never stop making efforts to make that day count. Live your life to the fullest and don’t let any problem take your charm away from yourself.
Here’s what you should read next.
- What to do when you are confused?
- 6 ways to find inspiration when you are lost.
- How to overcome negativity to live life to the fullest?
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